The Facial Recognition Attendance Device

Attendance Dashboard

KangarooAttendanceDashboard ScreenCapture MyCompany

Real time dashboard on attendance for different factories / sites.

Fit for Various Industries

ETS Attendance Device provides various functions including time-tracking, attendance monitoring, record processing (e.g. approval, etc.) and reporting. A variety of configurations allow customers to adjust features based on their needs.


Easy Audit

Allow management to audit and approve time track records. Changes will be logged for audit purpose


Multi - Purpose

Shifts allow customer to cluster employees with different working periods. Tolerance could be defined to allow clock-in only a fixed period before shift start

ETS icon Real time

Time-Rule Analysis

Lunch and over-time rules to provide detailed analysis on employees’ working hours



Flexible reporting layout for exporting attendance records to payroll system


SMS Reminder

SMS service to allow customers to send SMS to employees when:
➔ late clock-in (after a shift started)
➔ Early clock-out (before a shift ends)

Easy !

ETS EasyTrackSystem

Our solution provides customers with a low-cost, total cloud employee tracking solution with advanced facial recognition technology.

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